As the year 2019 comes to an end, I reflect back upon the eventful year that passed by, just like an arrhythmic ECG waveform. To constantly evolve is a way of life that I have embraced and this year’s take home message to me is “BEING IN THE MOMENT”.
Our mind with its tremendous potential has a truckloadful of memories which we are culturally conditioned and taught to hold on to. Most of the times, thus, we are flooded with memories. We revisit the good memories, cling to them and relive those happy moments of that part of our past life. We revisit the sad / upsetting memories & hold on to them as regrets / hurts / scars; thus giving them the power to paralyze us in the present moment & to strongly influence our future by the insecurities and fears created by them. Thus, either ways, we get trapped in our memories.

We are so deeply engrossed in digging our past & dreaming about our future that we lose the “NOW”, till it becomes a thing of the past.
Until finally, a realization dawns to us that the only moment that is “REAL” is “NOW”, rest all is a “MIRAGE”. The GIST of life is “Being in the present moment” fully, getting engrossed and thoroughly engulfed by it and giving our 100 % RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.
The moment we start living our life thus, in this very moment, a lot of previous habits and conditionings drop off & our life gets filled with more meaningful experiences.

Suddenly we are released from the prison of our past memories & future dreams that are actually a baggage that overburden our mind & clog our mental pores allowing no room for any new / fresh possibility to unfold itself.
This kind of mental uncluttering clears out a lot of junk & creates a vast empty space to fully absorb and process the constant flow of life; present right now before us. I like to visualize our mind & our life as a flowing river ; the water that once flows never comes back and only if it moves forth; does it create space for the new stream of water to occupy that space ; thus enabling the constant uninterrupted flow of the river.
It conserves our energy as we no longer expend enormous amount of our precious mental energy in such aspects that are currently non-existent and hence of no value. It thus leaves us feeling fully charged and energized to experience the “NOW” fully. We, then, fearlessly take a deep plunge into the life present before us, we get totally involved with our life & we function with a different kind of awareness, attention & enthusiasm.
We, no longer, cling to the past hurts, hence forgiveness comes naturally & easily to us, which enables us to sustain our relationships more beautifully & lovingly rather than with bitterness or hatred created by the baggage of memories.
All in all, we actually start enjoying our life coz we are able to treat every moment as a fresh one, unpolluted by what it was a minute ago, hence life gets a fresh unbiased chance to unfold itself before us. Life becomes magical and full of tremendous possibilities.