Five Activities To Keep You Physically Fit In Pandemic

As we all know, our health is our real wealth. A healthy mind and body helps us soar heights and also builds our immunity.  Normally, health advice includes going out and getting plenty of physical activity preferably at Gym or in fresh air. But in the partial lockdown, it might not be a good idea. So, how do we still keep ourselves fit and fine during this new normal?

There are several activities you can perform at home that will keep you healthy both physically and mentally. The list of exercises you can do is quite long. We can focus on cardio exercises to build our stamina and core exercises to build our strength and not to forget our own ‘Yoga’ to give us mental peace and strength to fight boredom and anxiety that sets in these times.

Let us  discuss  five activities that are the most convenient and beneficial and can be performed easily at home without any props and machines.


Pushups are the most basic of exercises and do not require any equipment or much space. If you are a regular at the gym, you already know how to do it. So, let’s have a look at the benefits of Pushups. It can strengthen your core, shoulders, and arms. 

To perform the exercise, lie down, face facing the floor. Then, use your toes and hands to raise your chest and thigh. Once raised, let it stay there for a few seconds and repeat the process.  If you are a beginner, start with Wall Pushups and then slowly progress to ground pushups as you progress.

Jumping Jacks

Unlike Pushups, Jumping Jacks are not a rigorous exercise and can be performed by people of any age or physical shape. To start the activity, stand straight and raise the hands parallel to the body until both hands touch. When raising the hand, jump and stretch the legs apart. Retrieve to your original position and repeat the process. Jumping Jacks will regulate the optimum blood flow in the body. This is a great exercise to maintain holistic health.

Fore-arm Planks

Planks are of various types. They build resistance and target various muscles depending on the type. However, the most common and the easiest to do is the forearm plank. Start the activity by placing the forearms on the floor. Ensure your elbows and shoulders are aligned. Lift your body on your toes and elbow similarly to pushups. Keep the back straight and maintain the position for 10-20 seconds to start and with practice keep it at 60 seconds. If you are a beginner, start with your kneeling plank aligning your knees, hips and shoulders , keeping your back straight. 

High Knees Jump

The exercise seems simple enough but can burn a lot of calories and without practice, you might tire fast. But after some practice, you will be able to do it for long durations. To perform the activity, you need to stand straight and start running in one spot. However, when you lift your leg, try to lift it to the waist height. High knees jump increases agility and perfects the running posture.


A core-focused exercise to melt the belly fat you have been building during the lockdown. There are numerous variations of sit-ups. But, the basics remain the same. Sleep on a flat surface facing the fan or ceiling and pull the upper half of your body towards the lower using the abdominal muscles. Be sure not to round your back. You can watch YouTube videos to perfect the exercise or choose the right variant of sit-ups.

These are the five activities or exercises we suggest you may perform to say healthy and boost your immunity during the lockdown and amidst the pandemic. To add more push, you may add stair climbing or skipping as additional cardio. But Beware….Be sure to understand your body’s fitness level before you start any exercise. Remember your body knows it the best.  

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