Living Mindfully

Today as women, we are grappling with so many responsibilities. In the last decade or more, women have assumed many new roles, at home and outside, which is very different from what we saw our mothers do. While we bask in the glory of our new found freedom, we’ve also discovered the many challenges that come along with it. Learning to balance the many hats we wear and maintaining our sanity in the process is a skill we need to learn.

The concept of Mindfulness has caught on and become mainstream in the last decade or so with people across the world trying to find ways and means to reduce lifestyle related stress and achieving holistic wellness.

What are the behaviors of mindful people? Let’s look at some of them:

Live in the moment – Mindful people don’t waste their time worrying about the future or reminiscing about the past. They are only interested in the present moment. The have mastered the art of staying in and enjoying “the present moment”. This leads to a state of happiness and a stress-free life.

Express gratitude – People who practice mindfulness are grateful for everything that comes in to their life. They see everything as a blessing or an opportunity to improve their condition. They do not blame others for their misfortunes, instead they believe that their happiness is solely their own responsibility and are constantly looking for ways to enhance it.

They Are objective – Mindfulness helps people become more objective about everything. They are able to see situations as if they are happening around them and not to them. They are able to step back and observe without judgement or becoming overly emotional and attached to what is happening to them. That objectivity helps them be more focused at what is important and not waste time and energy on unproductive tasks.

Breathe – Breathing exercises are a daily ritual for people who practice mindfulness. Breathing or pranayama practices makes them calm and more centered creating a sense of well-being and happiness. Regular and prolonged breathing improves overall health, state of mind, concentration and increases objectivity.

Meditate – People who practice mindfulness also meditate daily which is a formal practice of internalizing and introspection. The insights that they gain through regular meditation practices, makes them see just how small they and their problems are in this big universe, thus helping them understand how useless it is to waste time worrying about things that are beyond their control.

Comfortable being alone – Mindful people are not afraid of being alone. They enjoy their own company as much as they enjoy being with others. They use their alone time for self-development and introspection.

Non-judgmental – Mindfulness brings about such clarity in thought and objectivity that mindful people do not pass judgments easily on others and situations. They are able to assess things from all angles become jumping to a conclusion or reacting. They understand that everyone is unique and fighting their own demons and there is hardly any need to be judgmental.

Happy from within – Happiness becomes a natural state of being for mindful people. Since they are happy from within they are always smiling. They are not disturbed by stressful situations and with a deep awareness, they go about knowing that everything will eventually be all right.

Radiate calmness – Mindful people radiate calmness. They are emotionally balanced and in control of their emotions even in the most stressful of situations. There is an inner confidence and understanding that helps them deal with situations with composure, non-judgmentally and with detachment.

Take care of their bodies – People who practice mindfulness take great care of their body through regular exercising, healthy and balanced eating, yoga and meditation & refraining from smoking and drinking. They believe that their body is a temple where the soul resides and it is their utmost responsibility to keep the body in good condition. A healthy body, full of vitality and energy, helps them achieve their goals and reach higher levels of awareness.

Qualification : Post Graduate in Human Resources
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Hello Readers. I'm a Mumbai based yoga and wellness enthusiast. Professionally, I head HR for the Havas Group in India. I’ve been in this field for 20 years in industries like media &... Read More

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