Since we all want to keep our body fit, we focus on physical exercises. However, some pains are not explained.
Do you feel that your low back hurts all the time? Even when you exercise your core, it is not getting stronger, aches and pains over both heels, both knees? Well….. Do you know about diastasis recti?
What is it ?
![What is diastasis recti and how to fix it through training](
The 6- pack abs as named, is the rectus abdominis muscle and a thin line in the centre on the abs is called linea alba. Everyone wants a nice thin, toned body with nice abs. But sometimes, we see a gap in the centre of this muscle. There is a separation that is felt in the centre and the stomach appears out and bulgy. This separation is called diastasis recti. It is commonly seen after pregnancy, especially the c-section deliveries, abdominal surgeries, when a person gains weight suddenly, heavy weight lifting, dysfunctional breathing pattern, etc.
Most importantly, when the breathing pattern is altered , the muscles of breathing work in weird patterns. Inhaling muscles start working for exhaling also, which starts to build up the intra abdominal pressure and pushes the contents of the stomach out and out and out. Important muscles of the core go weak and the low back starts to work more. Also, When the muscle is pulled and stretched as in pregnancy, weight gain, it becomes weak. After surgeries, due to the scar adherence, the scar becomes active and prevents effective contraction of core muscles.
How do I check if I have it or no ?
Lie down on your back, bend knees and place the feet on the floor. Place your hands on the stomach, over the midline. Try to lift the head up like a mini crunch. Feel for your abs. Is the a bulging or separation noted ?
If yes, what can we do about it ?
- We need to build up the core to help fill the gap.
- Firstly, start with nice breathing exercises to help expand all sides of the trunk. Work on your obliques and deep core muscles.
- Go to a physical therapist for a detailed assessment and get your set of exercises that you can do.
What will happen if I don’t do anything about diastasis recti?
Back pains, heel pains, knee pains, bloating, sometimes hernia can occur.
Precaution is better always!