Herbal Medicines to cure platelet disorders

India is a country having a wide medicinal history as “Ayurveda”. As new discovery and inventions came up, technology grew up to explore the old ideas in a new way. The rich 5000 years old Indian history of way of life of human health, biodiversity of plants, herbs, shrubs etc. has always been subject of attraction for the researchers for drug formulations. The belief that herbal medicines have no side effect and side effects of allopathic medicines have increased the use of herbal medicines.

Herbal medicine has produced number of distinguished researchers thus making natural product a prolific source of discovery of new drugs from the ancient period.

The water decoction of leaves of Euphorbia hirta, is used in the Philippines as a folk medicine to treat dengue fever. Water boiled with guava leaves has been used to avoid bleeding in dengue hemorrhagic fever and to elevate platelet count. Psidium guava ripe fruit or juice has healing properties in improving the declining levels of platelets. Carica papaya L., Ipomea batatas green and violet variety, Alternanthera sessilis, and Euphorbia hirta have significant platelet augmentation activity, which may be an alternative to platelet transfusions.

The investigation on these plants showed 93.1777% increase in platelet count which corroborated the previous investigation on its effect on blood components. Beetroot and Red guava is becoming noted for its role in improving platelet count.

Some other herbs that are effective in the treatment of reduced platelet count include Amaltas Chirayata, Datura, Coriander, powdered Hermal seeds, Kanghi, Giloy or Amrita, Methi, Punarnava, Rojmari and Tulsi leaves.The compounds in papaya leaf extract stimulate and/or improve the megakaryocytes to produce sufficient numbers of platelets to maintain a suitable platelet count in mammals, in particular during chemotherapy .

The mature leaves of Carica papaya L. can be orally administered, is safe (non-toxic), effective in increasing platelet. The potential of Carica papaya L. leaves extract against Dengue fever when investigated, it was observed that platelet count increased dramatically, thus exhibiting potential to fight the fever.

Qualification : Life Science
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Mrs Mrinal Shrikant Saraf Founded SHALAKA BIOSCIENCES….beam of life in 2017 by Mrs. Mrinal Saraf, Mumbai a metro city of India. Mrs. Mrinal Saraf launched a personal journey to find papaya... Read More

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