Neck pain! burden of my smartphone

This high tech world of today has gotten so advanced, we can even turn on and turn off the lights, fans, air conditioners possibly everything with just one click on the phone. Also this has made us so much addicted to the phones for sure.
So many people complain of pain in the upper neck. Why has it become so common? Firstly, major organ of the body, the BRAIN is held up by the neck that weighs 1400gms! Already bearing so much weight, we tend to bend our necks so down and so low to look into the phones, laptops, with are poor postures while sitting, driving, concussion injuries, whiplash so on and so forth.
Secondly, all the major movements of the neck happen at the upper area. So, it has to move with so much load into such bad postures.
Third, so many muscles attach to this tiny area of the neck to provide stability. Now, imagine we our forcing our necks to work so hard to achieve what? Pain, pain and more pain. Once the threshold of neck muscles reach their limit, they give rise to pain.
Work on the muscles infront of the neck to stabilize it and get the balance. Also keep working on the posture so that the pain should never come back.
One very important factor of neck pain is also when the core muscles go weak. Neck muscles that are already working so hard also have to start stabilizing the Back since the core isn’t working efficiently.
Work on the core muscles after working on the neck to gain maximum relief. Also don’t neglect the neck pain as it can even give rise to headaches!

Qualification : Physiotherapist
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I’m a Mumbai based Physiotherapist working for pain and injury management, rehabilitation and sports physiotherapy . I believe in simple and effective manual therapy. I’m a practitioner of dry... Read More

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