Will “U” be my Valentine?

What else characterises month of February other than Valentine’s Day? This is a week of celebrating love. Love which we all value the most. It’s a day to respect and show gratitude towards someone who is so special for us. This gesture of love can be between couples or between parents and children or to anyone who is of great significance to you in your life.

We may have our own standards and expectations about the love we receive from our intimate relationships. But, do we really know what to expect ?

Well, we all have different parameters to measure love.

It is the ” idea of love “which makes us wander all our life. Then how do we fill that void?

The answer is “ U“. Yes, “U” is yourself. We can celebrate this valentine by being our own valentine.

What do we mean by that?

It means being yourself, loving yourself and putting yourself above everything.
Self love is the most purest form of love. Self love means putting yourself first and setting boundaries for yourself and standards for others. It means having a high regard for your own well- being and happiness.
Self love is elating. You are at your best when you love yourself unconditionally.
It is like…one day I woke up and realised I was not made for everyone , I was made for me. I am my own.

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first. The relationship with yourself sets the tone of every relationship you have…. The relationship with yourself need not to be critical nor ” you are not good enough.” types….

How do you do that???

  • Be kind to yourself.
  • Focus on what is going on within not what is going around.Relax yourself by exercising, meditating, or take a spa.
  • Don’t carry the burden of whole world. Trust me, it will function efficiently without us being so stressed.
  • Follow your dream, passion or any cause.
  • Contribute where resources are limited.
  • Do nothing. Inaction works wonders at times.
  • Just be yourself, love yourself and respect yourself. There is no one like you in this world.

We can allow ourselves to be a masterpiece and work in progress simultaneously.

Celebrate this Valentine by being your own Valentine.

Celebrate love by loving yourself.

Celebrate “U”…..because YOU ARE ENOUGH.

Qualification : ICF Approved Relationship Coach
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I, Neetu Jawle, an engineer by education, a certified life coach, and a NLP practitioner, and a parenting coach whose prime aim is to help people to live a wonderful life”. I’ve completed my... Read More

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